Hello World

Testing out markdown

Posted January 01, 2017

I use this article to make sure any styling changes I make don’t break.

Text and images

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sagittis diam id ante euismod condimentum. Curabitur pharetra eget arcu sed euismod. Nunc sed elementum enim, vel lobortis tortor. Donec pretium eros sed ante commodo hendrerit. Phasellus luctus egestas cursus. Vestibulum condimentum nunc eget erat pellentesque eleifend.


Aliquam lobortis a quam ut vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus varius, dui in vehicula ullamcorper, augue nisi elementum sapien, at euismod tellus turpis a ligula. Phasellus nec urna velit. Nam vel tempor erat.

Proin vel metus mattis tellus vulputate pretium a a sem. Duis at sem aliquam, suscipit lorem ut, venenatis enim. In at dui tempus lacus auctor commodo id id nunc. Nam sit amet lobortis libero. Aenean at nunc et purus fringilla consectetur. Sed nisi libero, gravida in eros ut, sodales condimentum ex.

This is an example of emphasised test.

This an an example of bold text.

This is an example of strikethough text.

This text includes a link.

This text is in a blockquote

This text includes an inline code block. There’s also a reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally long code block.

Alt text for this generic image

A caption for the above image

Tables and lists

This is an unordered list.

  • Foo
  • Bar
  • Baz

This is an ordered list.

  1. The first item
  2. The second item
  3. The third and final item

This is a table.

Column 1Column 2

Code blocks and syntax highlighting

osascript -e 'display notification "Hello world!" sound name "frog"'
#include <stdio.h>

// I'm including this really long line of code to show that scrolling sideways works. Look at how long it is, it just extends off the page!

int main () {
  printf("Hello world!\n");
  return 0;
// Refer to for grammar

export default class CookieReader {
     * Attempts to obtain the value of the 'csrftoken' cookie (expected from
     * Django), and falls back to an empty string when one is not found.
    static getCsrfToken(): string {
        const match = document.cookie.match(
        return match ? match[1] : "";
- rsync --archive --no-times -v          --itemize-changes --checksum --delete $PWD/public/ nicholas@$DEPLOYMENT_IP:/var/www/
+ rsync --recursive          --verbose   --itemize-changes --checksum --delete $PWD/public/ nicholas@$DEPLOYMENT_IP:/var/www/
on idle

        do shell script "rsync --delete --checksum --recursive --itemize-changes ~/public-files/ nicholas@raspberry:~/public-files/ > /tmp/sync.log"
        display notification "Successfully synced" with title "Sync" sound name "purr"
    on error
        display alert "Could not sync files to remote server" as critical
    end try

    return 60 * 60

end idle
class IdentityService:
    Implements all identity-related logic, usually about the current user and
    their current session (whether they are authenticated).

    def get_required_session_user(request):
        Will return a user's identity if they are authenticated, but will throw
        if no user is authenticated.
        This can be used to as the first step in handling a request, stopping
        users who are not authenticating from proceeding.
        user = IdentityService.get_session_user(request)
        if user is None:
            raise AuthenticationRequiredException(
                "You are not logged in, authentication is required."
        return user
let database: &str;
let mut path = PathBuf::new(); // Guess Rust wants this declared here

if let Some(value) = matches.value_of("database") {
    database = value
} else {
    let home;
    if cfg!(windows) {
        home = env::var("APPDATA")?;
    } else {
        home = env::var("HOME")?;
    database = path.to_str().unwrap();
.blog-article .twitter-tweet {
    /* Isolated hack to override inline styling, sorry */
    width: unset !important;
    margin: 16px auto !important;
<button onclick="toggleClass()">Toggle message</button>
<p aria-label="Your special message appears here" id="target">
    Click the above button to show the message!&nbsp;

    .show-text::after {
        content: attr(aria-label);
        color: var(--theme-color);
        background-color: var(--theme-text-color);
        font-weight: 700;

    function toggleClass() {
        const target = document.getElementById("target");
        if (target.className) {
            target.className = "";
        } else {
            target.className = "show-text";

Embedded content

Tee Time by andrew Thumbnail for YouTube video Tee Time
Unblocking builds with piano accompaniment by Nicholas Whittaker Thumbnail for Vimeo video Unblocking builds with piano accompaniment

Thanks for reading!

I’m a developer with a passion for cloud platforms, web development and automation!

I use this blog to write about my interests. They’re usually tech-related, but there’s also the odd music and gaming piece too.

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