Hacktoberfest 2019 Workshop

Running a Hacktoberfest workshop at Monash University

2019-10-20 // 7 min read // #open-source #presentations #reflections

Last week I had the opportunity to run a workshop with at Monash University in celebration of Hacktoberfest. The night itself focused on exploring open source software development. Exploring what open source software is, the implications it has for the world of software development and IT systems, and how contributions can be made. We also had a little security spin, examining how projects that are open source make tradeoffs in security.

You can find out the full rundown on the event at the workshop site.

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Good Technical Presentations

Thoughts on making great tech talks and workshops great!

2019-04-25 // 5 min read // #presentations #reflections

I’ve had the pleasure of attending several tech talks and workshops in the past year, so I thought it would be good to write up some of the things I’ve observed and liked, as well as how I think some more troublesome areas and issues can be avoided.

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