Poco a Poco Diminuendo, Mellophone

An opportunity to write about the cool components of a hobby project

2020-04-20 // 10 min read // #django #docker #gitlab #react #reflections

Just shy of two years ago (judging by the initial commit on a private repo), I started a little project called Mellophone.

It was a pet project to consolidate what I’d learned from working as a developer.

The domain registration for expires tomorrow, and I won’t be renewing it.

As a little farewell, I figured this would be a good opportunity to delve into some of the workings behind it.

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Hacktoberfest 2019 Workshop

Running a Hacktoberfest workshop at Monash University

2019-10-20 // 7 min read // #open-source #presentations #reflections

Last week I had the opportunity to run a workshop with at Monash University in celebration of Hacktoberfest. The night itself focused on exploring open source software development. Exploring what open source software is, the implications it has for the world of software development and IT systems, and how contributions can be made. We also had a little security spin, examining how projects that are open source make tradeoffs in security.

You can find out the full rundown on the event at the workshop site.

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DDD Melbourne 2019

Reflections, discussions and thoughts from attending DDD Melbourne 2019

2019-08-13 // 13 min read // #conferences #reflections

I had the pleasure of attending DDD Melbourne this past weekend, seeing talks from many people in Melbourne’s tech space, and others coming in from abroad. Across 5 tracks of talks, there was a wide array of presentations on a variety of technical, personal and professional topics.

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Good Technical Presentations

Thoughts on making great tech talks and workshops great!

2019-04-25 // 5 min read // #presentations #reflections

I’ve had the pleasure of attending several tech talks and workshops in the past year, so I thought it would be good to write up some of the things I’ve observed and liked, as well as how I think some more troublesome areas and issues can be avoided.

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2018 Reflection

A reflection on the past year

2018-12-22 // 17 min read // #reflections

As another year passes by, I think it’s time to reflect on the experiences I’ve had and to look back on some of the highlights as well!

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2017 Reflection

A reflection on the past year

2017-12-23 // 5 min read // #reflections

Ah 2017, what a year. As the year closes with the festive season, there is no better time to think back to all the things that have happened for me.

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My First Project

Lessons learned from my first project

2017-11-28 // 4 min read // #python #reflections

Often, the first steps in developing any project are the most critical. “What environment should I be working in?” “How to I implement X feature?” I found out the hard way today why taking these first steps seriously is important.

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Unihack 2017

A hackathon reflection

2017-11-28 // 2 min read // #hackathons #reflections

Teaming up with some fellow friends from Monash, we went in as Angry React Native. We worked using Bluecat bluetooth beacons to incorporate IoT into the dine-in restaurant experience.

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